Focused on Your Family’s Dental Needs

About Us

For a local, family dentist in Sarnia, ON, trust Northgate Dentistry. Serving children, adults, and seniors throughout our community, we are focused on providing compassionate and comprehensive family dental care. Our doctors and staff work closely with each patient to create a personalized treatment plan to help improve their dental health.
Sarnia, ON bridge

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Stephane Lefebvre, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Dr. Stephane Lefebvre

Dr. Stephane Lefebvre’s interest in dentistry began at a young age due in part to an excellent relationship with his own family dentist, Dr. Ken Clark, who would later become a mentor and colleague in the dental profession.

Stephane’s curiosity and eagerness to learn about oral health and the dental profession materialized into a high school science fair project titled “Plaque Attack: The science behind tooth decay,” for which he won a “Best of Fair” award at the Lambton County Science Fair. Stephane then represented Lambton County at the Canada Wide Science Fair.

This early experience motivated Stephane to pursue dentistry as a profession. He gained admission into Western University’s School of Dentistry in London, Ontario. Six years after graduating from St. Patrick High School in Sarnia, Dr. Stephane Lefebvre returned home with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. He began practicing dentistry in the building where his dream began, with Dr. Ken Clark.

Dr. Lefebvre has been practicing dentistry since 2003. He holds numerous association memberships and is a past president of the Lambton County Dental Society.

His wife, Nashlea Brogan, Doctor of Audiology, is a private practice audiologist in Sarnia. She is the founder and president of Bluewater Hearing. They have two young children and enjoy all that Lambton County has to offer.

Dr. Kelly Vosburg, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Dr. Kelly Vosburg

Dr. Kelly Vosburg was born and raised in Sarnia, Ontario. She was a student at Northern High School prior to completing her Bachelor of Science from the University of Western Ontario. After graduation, Kelly attended Semmelweis University, where she received her Doctor of Medical Dentistry (DMD). During her time at Semmelweis, Kelly was involved with the student council, where she held the spot of class president.

While completing her education, Kelly worked for the Canadian Coast Guard doing search and rescue and continues to volunteer with the local auxiliary. Dr. Vosburg is excited to return home and work alongside one of her mentors, Dr. Lefebvre.

Meet Our Team

We are a diverse group of individuals who believe in constant self-improvement and value the time we spend with each other. We are a young, energetic office with families ourselves. Each of our family experiences truly enable us to offer a unique approach to family dentistry.
Northgate Dentistry dental team

Our Philosophy of Care

  • We will provide a positive and welcoming environment in which all patients are treated with respect and dignity.
  • We are dedicated to outstanding patient service and will work to exceed the expectations of every patient.
  • We will ensure that all patients are educated regarding all treatment options so that they are able to make informed treatment decisions.
  • We are committed to providing an array of dental services and the highest standard of care to our patients.
  • We believe that this is a workplace in which everyone is treated with respect, regardless of position.
  • We strive to attract the best team members and provide continuing training for their education and professional development.
Dr. Stephane Lefebvre, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Erin, Dental Assistant

Erin is a level 2 dental assistant and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 2 years. Her favorite thing about working here is working with such a great group. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, spending time with family, and reality TV.

Dr. Kelly Vosburg, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Nichelle, Dental Assistant

Nichelle is a level 2 dental assistant and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 1 year. Her favorite thing about working here is the staff she gets to work with. In her spare time, she enjoys working out, going on walks with her dog, Archie, and hanging with friends and family.

Dr. Stephane Lefebvre, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Josee, Dental Assistant

Josee is a level 2 dental assistant and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 18 years. Her favorite thing about working here is the friendly atmosphere, and keeping her skills sharp by working in a variety of different services. In her spare time, she enjoys crafting, collaging, paddle boarding, and taking walks on the beach to look for beach glass.

Dr. Kelly Vosburg, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Kristin, Hygiene Coordinator

Kristin is a hygiene coordinator and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 6 years. Her favorite thing about working here is the staff who she considers family. In her spare time, she enjoys watching her 2 daughters play hockey and softball, walking her 3 dogs Pickles, Fiona, and Hazel, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

Dr. Stephane Lefebvre, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Karen, Dental Assistant

Karen is a level 2 dental assistant and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 7.5 years. Her favorite thing about working here is the great team of coworkers and awesome patients. In her spare time, she enjoys events and activities with her family and friends, watching and cheering on her grandchildren at sporting events, and golfing and traveling to sunny destinations.

Dr. Kelly Vosburg, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Kim, Office Manager

Kim is an office manager and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 25 years. Her favorite thing about working here is her amazing work family. In her spare time, she enjoys vacationing with her family, drinking wine with her besties, attending/watching Boston Bruins Hockey games, and long walks with her brittany spaniel Eddie.

Dr. Stephane Lefebvre, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Natasha, Dental Hygienist

Natasha is a dental hygienist and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 9 years. Her favorite thing about working here is the people. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, spending time with her husband and two children, and going on vacation.

Dr. Kelly Vosburg, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Chantal, Dental Hygienist

Chantal is a dental hygienist and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 9 years. Her favorite thing about working here is her coworkers who are like family, always providing a positive and supportive environment. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling the world with her fiance, going on long walks with her dog Murphy, and curling up on the couch with a good thriller book.

Dr. Stephane Lefebvre, Dentist at Northgate Dentistry

Shea, Dental Hygienist

Shea is a dental hygienist and has been working at Northgate Dentistry for 1.5 years. Her favorite thing about working here is the staff. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, doing puzzles/playing card games, and listening to Taylor Swift. 

Core Business Values

We are….Authentic

What you see is what you get, we are honest and real.

We are…Passionate

We are committed in heart and mind.

We believe in…Quality

What we do, we do well.

We are…Confident

Through continued growth and learning we are the best versions of ourselves.

We are…Dependable

We do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.

We are…Committed

We develop relationships that make a positive difference in people’s lives.

We are….Authentic

What you see is what you get, we are honest and real.

We are…Passionate

We are committed in heart and mind.

We believe in…Quality

What we do, we do well.

We are…Confident

Through continued growth and learning we are the best versions of ourselves.

We are…Dependable

We do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.

We are…Committed

We develop relationships that make a positive difference in people’s lives.

Ready to schedule an appointment with us? Contact us at 519-336-8231 today!

Northgate Dentistry

543 Exmouth Street
Sarnia, ON, N7T 5P6




Services disponible en Français
Business Hours:
Monday & Tuesday:
8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Wednesday & Thursday:
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday: